Great Day St. Louis

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shoes on my feet...

I love love these shoes.  They are comfy, cute and practical--this description fits my day-to-day needs perfectly.  I think I need another pair...note to self...a few are on sale at Madewell now. I shared them here and I've been wearing them ever since.  Try a pair, you'll like love them.

 Last week I posted my desire for Desert Boots this season.  In a brief stop at DSW ( I had a $10 off coupon and was on the hunt for some oxfords) the other day, I stumbled across these.  Oh my, they are comfortable.  And, for $40, they are quite a bit less than my other options.  I will be wearing these with jeans and skirts and I think with a little protective coating they will be great for stomping around in the chilly weather.  

That should do it for shoes this winter.  I dropped off my favorite boots for a little sprucing up at the cobbler; so, I'm nearly ready for the cold. 

How about you, what shoes have you been wearing or what are you lusting after?

*Be sure to stop over at Look Linger Love and check out Cassity's recipe for Chicken Chili and marvel at her lovely kitchen.
**Tomorrow, visit Rebecca at The Reluctant Floridian to see what she's cooking up for fall. 
***Enter to win one of two t-shirt necklaces that I'm giving away at Tales and Trials this week! Here's a peek...


  1. i'm still wearing all my ballet flats - in Jersey we're still getting warm weather - it was 80 the other day - gonna be 70 or so again .. but i AM ready for winter and bundaling up a bit ..

    PS - i announced the winners!!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. I am lusting after some Frye boots I saw at Nordsrom over the weekend. {}

    I need some winter shoes for our upcoming New England move. Currently I am still wearing my flats and flip flops because the weather has been back and forth between 90 and 75.
