Great Day St. Louis

Friday, July 23, 2010

Laughing Penguins

On July 3rd, my younger brother got married in St. Louis to a wonderful red-headed (as a family of red-heads, we are, of course, pro other red-headed folk) pediatrician.  While the entire day was great, the best part of the reception was the "photo booth" by Laughing Penguins, a local, female-owned, St. Louis company.  

While the concept of a wedding photo booth is not novel, the design, craft, and personality of Laughing Penguins sets it above the competition and makes it a must for your next party, wedding, mitzvah, anniversary, and/or corporate shindig.

Design-open layout, white background, photos are displayed on a projector screen from an LCD projector to inspire more photos and fun conversation!
Craft and Personality-Darby, the fabulous photographer and Laughing Penguins owner, takes quality, well-framed photos of wild party attendees and encourages spontaneity through her bright smile and relaxed personality, no pushiness or over-the-top pose directions here, just be yourself, have fun and create some lasting memories people!
The Best Part-During the event, the Laughing Penguins staff prints off your pics in black and white 4x6's (includes your four best poses) for you to take home as a token of remembrance! And, even better, after the event, you can purchase your fun photos starting at $.99 for a 4x6 on up.  

For example:

Okay. The pictures say it all.  Take the pressure off, let someone else record your special moments and have fun at your next event with Laughing Penguins.

I'm linking up today:
New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative
Feature Yourself Friday at Fingerprints on the Fridge

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